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The following is the entire form for the Life Confession, both for the Priest as well as the Penitent farther down you will find the format that can be given to the penitent for review prior the Confession. The Priest begins with the following questions;


Are you married or single?


I will ask you questions of all types of sins. It does not mean that I think you are guilty of any particular sin, I ask the same questions to everyone. We will be dealing with your entire life, even if you have confessed them already. Please answer with only one of the following responses:


1. Often      2.On occasion      3.Seldom      4.Rarely      5.Never


Do not give too much information, I only need what is necessary. The following list of questions is what the Priest will ask during the life confession, copies can be made and distributed to the faithful in order to prepare them for the Life Confession.


Have you ever missed mass through your own fault or volition?

Have you ever used God’s name in vain?

Have you ever been angry at God?

Have you ever use a Ouija board, tarot cards, horoscope, fortune teller, palm reader, anything superstitious?

Have you ever lost your temper?

Have you ever hurt anyone physically?

Have you ever hurt anyone emotionally by teasing them, belittling them, making fun of them, ridiculing them?

Have you ever withheld forgiveness from someone even for a short period of time?

Have you ever gossiped, or spoken about someone, even if it was true but knew it could hurt their good name or reputation?

Have you ever lied?

Have you ever stolen anything, and if so how much would it add up to if you put it into a monetary value, throughout your whole life?

Have you ever overeaten?

Have you ever gotten drunk?

Have you ever used any illegal drugs?

Have you ever abused any legal drugs, such as medication or tobacco?

Before you were emancipated from your parents’ home did you sometimes disobey them or cause them grief?

Once you were emancipated, you did not have to obey them but you did have to show them respect, have you sometimes failed in that regard?

Have you ever had an opportunity to defend the teachings of the church, but remained silent or even partook in criticizing or ridiculing the church?

Have you ever failed in your obligation to visit the sick, feed the hungry, or help the poor in any way?

(If Married) prior to your marriage did you ever have sex with any individuals, Yes or no? If Yes, How many different individuals? (if a male penitent), were all of them women? (if female penitent) were all of them men? If not, how many?

Did you use any form of artificial birth control prior to your marriage?

How long were you sexually active before you were married?

During your marriage have you remained faithful? If not, with how many individuals?

Have you ever used any form of artificial birth control during your marriage? For how long?

Have either you or your husband/wife been sterilized?

Have you ever paid for, procured, or counseled someone to have an abortion?

Have you ever looked at pornography?

Have you ever fallen into the sin of self-abuse, or what is commonly referred to as masturbation?

Have you ever gone to confession and because you were afraid or embarrassed did not confess everything?

Have you ever gone to communion feeling you should have gone to confession first?

Have you ever been lazy or procrastinate?

Have you ever jealous or envious?

Have you ever been greedy or selfish?

Have you ever been judgmental?

Have you ever been bigoted or prejudice?

Have you ever sinned by way of pride or vanity?

Have you ever cheated, either on a test or cheated somebody out of something that should have been theirs?

Is there anything you can remember that we did not discuss that you need to place before our Lord now?


The following is what the Priest can read to each penitent so that they will know what is taking place including a suggested penance as well as two forms of the act of contrition.


The Absolution; I am now going to extend this absolution from the very first moment you were even capable of sinning as a child until now, that means every sin you have ever committed, by way of thought, word, deed, or omission (not doing

what you should have done), even the sins you did not know were sins, but should have and therefore were guilty before God. I will absolve every sin you have forgotten, I will absolve every nuance of every sin, every sin that led up to a sin, every sin that was an effect of a sin. I will absolve every sacrilegious confession you have ever made. I will absolve every

sacrilegious communion you have received. I will absolve everything so completely and unconditionally, that when you leave this confession you will be as the day you were baptized, even God will not go beyond this moment in your life, except for the good you’ve done. Now if you walk out of this confessional and you remember 50 sins that you forgot, forget them they are forgiven. You never have to bring them up again. And if you ever make another Life confession, you begin with the date of this confession. Do you understand this?

Suggestion only;

For your penance: Go before the blessed sacrament realizing that in that tabernacle is the living breathing, body, blood, soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, he has eyes that see, ears that hear, a mouth that speaks, a heart that beats, blood coursing through his veins. He hears every thought you are thinking. I want you to look at him who is looking at you, and simply tell him how much you love Him, and thank Him for all them wonderful things He has given you throughout your entire life, especially your faith. After two minutes your penance will be complete. Will you accept this? (If they do not know the act of contrition), For the Act of contrition you may repeat after me, Lord Jesus, I love you with all my heart, I am truly sorry for having sinned, and I promise with the help of your grace, I’ll try my best to sin no more. Or the traditional one. O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because of Thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who are all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly

resolve, with the help of Your grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen


The following Info for penitents can be printed and distributed

Please answer with only one of the following responses:

1. Often         2.On occasion       3.Seldom       4.Rarely       5.Never

Do not give too much information, The Priest only needs what is necessary.


Have you ever missed Mass through your own fault or volition?

Have you ever used God’s name in vain?

Have you ever been angry at God?

Have you ever use a Ouija board, tarot cards, horoscope, fortune teller, palm reader, anything superstitious?

Have you ever lost your temper?

Have you ever hurt anyone physically?

Have you ever hurt anyone emotionally by teasing them, belittling them, making fun of them, ridiculing them?

Have you ever withheld forgiveness from someone even for a short period of time?

Have you ever gossiped, or spoken about someone, even if it was true but knew it could hurt their good name or reputation?

Have you ever lied?

Have you ever stolen anything, and if so how much would it add up to if you put it into a monetary value, throughout your whole life?

Have you ever overeaten?

Have you ever gotten drunk?

Have you ever used any illegal drugs?

Have you ever abused any legal drugs, such as medication or tobacco?

Before you were emancipated from your parents’ home did you sometimes disobey them or cause them grief?

Once you were emancipated, you did not have to obey them but you did have to show them respect, have you sometimes failed in that regard?

Have you ever had an opportunity to defend the teachings of the church, but remained silent or even partook in criticizing or ridiculing the church?

Have you ever failed in your obligation to visit the sick, feed the hungry, or help the poor in any way?

(If Married) prior to your marriage did you ever have sex with any individuals, Yes or no? If Yes,  How many different individuals?  (if a male penitent),  were all of them women? (if female penitent) were all of them men?  If not, how many?

Did you use any form of artificial birth control prior to your marriage?

How long were you sexually active before you were married?

During your marriage have you remained faithful? If not, with how many individuals?

Have you ever used any form of artificial birth control during your marriage? For how long?

Have either you or your husband/wife been sterilized?

Have you ever paid for, procured, or counseled someone to have an abortion?

Have you ever looked at pornography?

Have you ever fallen into the sin of self-abuse, or what is commonly referred to as masturbation?

Have you ever gone to confession and because you were afraid or embarrassed did not confess everything?

Have you ever gone to communion feeling you should have gone to confession first?

Have you ever been lazy or procrastinate?

Have you ever jealous or envious?

Have you ever been greedy or selfish?

Have you ever been judgmental?

Have you ever been bigoted or prejudice?

Have you ever sinned by way of pride or vanity?

Have you ever cheated, either on a test or cheated somebody out of something that should have been theirs?            

If there anything you can remember that was not discussed that you need to place before our Lord now?


The following is the list of answers that can be printed and placed in the confessionals;








The Absolution


Info for priests:


As for the life confession, the entire form is above. With regard to the Pastor of the Parish, I seek during the Mission to help in any way I can, willing to take all weekday Masses, meet with any or all groups, if there is a school, I am willing to  give a presentation to all the school children, as well as the home schooled.


If the Pastor wishes to take the time during the Mission to rest I have no problem whatsoever. Right up to the time of the Mission The Pastor can have me include anything that he deems important for His Faithful. (particular problems or circumstance that the Faithful are dealing with)


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